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Don’t make an offer before asking the estate agent these top 5 questions

Questions for your agent

If you are looking to buy a property make sure you ask these questions before you make an offer – you could uncover valuable information that can help you with your negotiation.

The average buyer will spend just 30 minutes in a property before deciding to make an offer. This decision will likely be made very quickly too, particularly in the busy market we’ve had over the last few years. A delay of a few days whilst you make your decision would likely result in disappointment because the property would probably have been sold by then. 

30 minutes. The length of a sitcom TV show. It is hardly any time at all, and in that short time, we are making life-changing decisions to uproot our family and move our whole lives into a different property, possibly even a new location. And we are taking just that short 30-minute viewing to decide to spend the most amount of money we will probably ever spend on a single purchase in our lives. 

When you think about it, it is crazy that we make such impactful decisions so quickly. And really, we need to make those 30 minutes count. We need to ensure that we have gathered as much information as possible to make an informed decision because it will need to be quick. 

So, the next time you view a property, ask these questions and note the answers to gather critical information to help you decide whether to make an offer. If you do, it will undoubtedly help with the negotiation process. 

Have there been any other offers?

The price of any other offers and the buying circumstances of the offeror is confidential; the agent will not be able to disclose this. But, by asking this question, you will be able to find out if any offers are currently being negotiated, i.e., competition for you to buy. This will somewhat lessen your negotiation power, and you might want to make your initial offer slightly higher.

What is the timescale of the sellers?

If the sellers are looking for a speedy sale, and you can accommodate this, your offer will look favourable. Conversely, if you have a tight deadline and the sellers are not in a rush, this could affect you negatively, and you might decide that this property isn’t for you after all.

Have they already found a property to buy?

This question also speaks to the question of timescale, as a seller who has already found their next home will likely want to move quickly. 

Have any other sales fallen through?

Asking about previous sales can indicate the seller’s actual value and negotiation; for example, they may have negotiated their price before or achieved the asking price and would be looking for that same offer again. It can also raise critical questions about the building and whether there was a defect of some kind that caused the sale to collapse. If yes, was a survey carried out? And if so, what were the findings? – You will not be given a copy of a past survey as the report belongs to whoever commissioned it, but the agents will be able to tell you what, if anything, that report highlighted (providing that they were shown the copy, of course).

Are the sellers negotiable on the price?

It seems obvious, but you’d be surprised how many negotiations begin without anyone asking this question. It helps you gauge the sellers’ expectations; therefore, you won’t offer too high or so low that you insult them. If the price is the price and the seller won’t budge, they will not take your offer seriously if you start at £50k below the asking price. But also, you don’t want to offer the full asking price if there is a chance you could buy it cheaper, do you? Asking about the sellers’ negotiability will tell you about their expectations, and therefore your negotiation process will go smoothly with more chance of success.

When you are only really spending 30 minutes in the property, you must ensure that every second counts and that you are on a fact-finding mission to gather as much information as possible before committing to making an offer.

Register for our HEADS UP alerts to find the next home for your family to ensure that you are one of the first to know about a new property in the market.

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Transform Your Outdoor Space Into an Oasis and Boost Your Property Value This Summer

prepare your garden for sale

If you’re considering marketing your property for sale this summer, it’s crucial to showcase not just the interior but also the outdoor space to maximise the value of your home.

Here in beautiful Berkshire, we cherish every fleeting moment of British summertime, seizing those precious warm days whenever they grace us. That’s why buyers often prioritise knowing when the sun graces the garden. The orientation of your garden can be a captivating selling feature, especially if it faces south, ensuring abundant sunlight throughout the day.

But that’s just the beginning of the story. There are countless other ways to effectively market the outdoor space of your home to captivate potential buyers. Even if you don’t have a lush south-facing garden, you shouldn’t overlook its potential or fail to mention it. Instead, let’s explore innovative strategies to highlight its unique qualities and make it an irresistible part of your property’s appeal.

When you try to sell your home, particularly in the warmer months of the year, the outside space is critical. So, how best should you show off your garden space when selling the property?

Follow the Sun

Place your seating areas around the garden in prime sunny spots. This could mean that you have an area that catches the morning sun, a lovely place to enjoy a peaceful morning coffee with nothing but the birds for company. And perhaps there is an area that gets the last of the sun as it sets in the evening, perfect for a crisp drink at the end of the day. And then maybe there is a decking or patio area that is a little more shaded for al fresco lunches.

Set up your spaces with seating and furniture to show the area’s flexibility and hint at the kind of lifestyle the buyer could have with this garden if they bought your property.

Nice and Tidy

A tidy garden will look bigger and more inviting. If you have flower beds, keep them weed free, the grass cut short, and bushes and trees trimmed and pruned. You want your garden to be instantly usable, not to look like a colossal task a new owner must tackle before they can enjoy it. 

If you need assistance transforming your outdoor space, we highly recommend the team at Zutshi Landscaping. We can also recommend a variety of gardeners, tree surgeons, and more to help you prepare your outdoor space for sale.

Consider Zoning

Make it clear that there are areas for different activities. A BBQ area with a table and chairs for enjoying a meal outdoors. A sunbathing area that gets the best of the sun throughout the day. A kid’s corner where they can play and their outdoor toys are kept. If you have a veg plot, make sure it looks like a veg plot and is not overgrown and messy or filled with toys.

Seating areas, dining space, and room to play are the start of a wonderful sunny weekend with friends and family enjoying a BBQ. We all know it is a bit cliche that in the UK, the first sign of a slightly warm day and we all rush to have a BBQ, so you can almost guarantee that this will be something your buyers will be considering. By presenting your garden in this way, a buyer can quickly see that there will be sun in the garden, and they can enjoy the space as they imagine. Make the task easy for them by showing how you use the space clearly; they won’t even mind if the garden is not facing south. 

We like to take it a step further and stage the garden for photoshoots and viewings – perhaps a jug of iced water and some glasses on the table or a BBQ in full swing, to invoke the memories that your buyers will have of their own happy summer days and encourage them to imagine what those days could be like in your property. Being able to imagine living in a property is the first step towards making an offer, after all.

If you are considering selling your home this summer, don’t delay. Get in touch with the Managing Partner for your area before the summer is over, and it’s time to dig out our winter coats again. 

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Top Interior Design Tips for Creating Spaces that are Both Stylish and Practical

Interior design plays a crucial role in making a house feel like a home. Not only do you want to design a space that is inviting, welcoming and in keeping with your personal style, it is important to ensure that the interior of your home is practical, useable and has longevity.

We were delighted to meet with Alexander James Interiors recently, who are one of the UK’s, and the world’s, leading Interior Design houses. We spoke to the lovely Julie Clifford, Head of Brand Partnership, and Beatrice Knight, Head of Marketing and Client Services, to chat all things interior design.

Not only did we discuss the amazing bespoke service they offer their clients, they also shared with us some great tips and advice. We discussed current interior design trends, as well as how the covid pandemic has affected these trends, and their top tips for clients when designing the interior space of their home.

Some of our favourite tips they shared with us were…

  • As well as considering the look and feel of space, remember to consider the practicality of it – does it have longevity, will the design and space still be practical for your growing family overtime, does it give you all the functionality you desire it to.
  • When choosing a colour palette for your space, make sure it is something you absolutely love but can also see yourself enjoying in years to come – you could consider going for a neutral palette and changing up the colour of accessories.
  • Comfort is key! Having a beautiful home that you love is of course very important, but equally so is the comfort of your home. Sofas, beds, office chairs, desks and kitchen island stools are just some of the crucial aspects of your design where comfort should be a top priority.

To find out more about all the fantastic advice Alexander James Interiors shared with us, please watch our coffee morning with them below…

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UK Mortgage Rates Advice for 2023

If you’re looking to move house and buy a new property, you will likely be wondering about the UK mortgage rates.

We recommend talking to a Mortgage and Protection Advisor to give you all the relevant information and advice you will need. Buying a new home is a big commitment, so it is very important that you have all the information regarding current mortgage rates and what the best options are for you, from a professional.

We had the delight of talking to Paul Cleveland, a Mortgage and Protection Advisor at Fairstone, who provide financial planning and wealth management solutions to help you achieve your life goals.

Paul shared with us some fantastic information about UK mortgage rates and some brilliant advice for people considering a move. He also discussed mortgage rate trends and how these could change overtime, as well as the importance of knowing your financial position before property searching.

To find out all the great advice Paul shared with us, please watch our coffee morning with Paul on our YouTube channel below…